Trash Can Fines??

    Did you know that if you keep your trash cans out to long you could get fined for it? Thats what happened in Omaha when the city started calling it a problem and changed the trash laws. A lot of people said that the trash cans just linger around on the sidewalks and it starts to get really smelly.

Any thoughts?

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  • Personally, i think the people that made these laws had nothing else to do. That is just kind of a silly law.  It should be a norm of something to pick up your trash can . I think it is important to pick up your trash can, but they are taking it too another level. I could be wrong, and this could be helpful to the city.

  • Well what do they expect people to do with their trash cans? I think it's a little crazy that they are getting find for having their trash cans out.

  • I never knew that there are trash can fines. I think it's a little ridiculous that people can't just remember to take their trash cans in on their own, that they have to have laws that enforce that. I can understand why people wouldn't want the trash cans laying outside for awhile because it would smell a lot. 

  • Fining people for trash seems a little harsh. I mean I understand not whating it to smell, but I am sure they don't want their houses to smell either. I don't have to worry about that since I live on a farm, but fining some one for the smell of their trash is a little overboard.

  • My opinion is that this is a appropriate ordinance passed by the city of Omaha. Trash cans or any junk sitting on a curb or sidewalk for a extended period of time is trashy and brings down the atmosphere and apperance of the neighboorhood

  • I think it is dumb that you can get fined but seriously, how hard is it to get your trash can off the curb once a week? I hate it when one windy days people just let them blow all over the place.

  • I guess it's probably a good idea because if they're not going to get punished for it, what's going to stop them? 

  • I think its good there trying to clean up the city people just throw all there trash beside the road all week for the garbage man that comes once a week. thats grose why would you want to see and smell that all week.

  • I dont think that trash cans sitting out for too long can make a neighborhood smelly.. eventually if they were kept out, they would air out and wouldnt smell at all unless you put your face in them. It is dumb that they made new laws against keeping them out...

  • i heard about that on the news last night. i think its dumb. what if you arent home for a fews days and cant bring your trash cans in i think its dumb that you can get fined

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