Tracking chips in school?!

A school in Texas is requiring their students to have a tracking chip when they are on school property. Judge Garcia was in favor with the San Antonio North-side School District when they expelled a 15 year old sophomore when she refused to wear the device. The school was losing 1.7 million a year because students were talking in the hallways and not in class.

My thoughts are how much would this system cost? I'm sure it would be much more than 1.7 million to have this and keep it updated. I feel like this is invading your personal space. I would feel very paranoid if i knew someone was tracking me, even if it was just school. If a school was to do this, I would say have a parent consent formed signed saying both the parents and the students were okay with it. Expelling someone because they don't want to wear it is absolutely ridiculous. 

Your thoughts? Do you think more schools will go down this route?

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  • you don't need a tracking chip in school come on now

  • I think its dumb a tracking chip! i mean it would be a waste of money and and invasion in privacy.

  • I think this is really stupid. This could be handled in a completely different way. This could be why they are losing people. I think students should have a right to have a say in what is going on. If I were the 15 year old girl, I would like to say that I would put up a fight. I think this is over the top, crazy. I think that kids should not have to wear that. They shouldn't have to be made to wear them.

  • I think that this is  rediculous. Our country has so much debt already and the fact that people waste so much money on things like this just blows my mind. I agree with you that is is an invasion of privacy and would be really awkward to wear one of these chips.

  • absolutely crazy..  i would defiantly transfer if they made me wear one of those.  that's taking it to extreme levels i mean it can't be that big of a deal that students are talking in the hallways. 

  • I think this is a little crazy. These people are wasting their money, I don't think many other schools will choose to do this as well.

  • I feel like this was a waste of money and for a school like Harlan would be absolutley unnecessary. I feel like even if certain events took place in that school that made them even come up with the idea of tracking chips, there are different and cheaper and maybe even more effective ways to deal with it. Part of school for kids is the social aspect and to almost take that away from them, in my opinion, is ultimatley going to cause more students to not want to attend school.

  • This is kind of a good idea if the student are bad and don't listen or they run away a lot so then they no where they would end up knowing where the students are>

  • i don't think a school should be able to invade peoples personal space like that. Schools these days need to lay off and stop invading peoples space. I dont think its the right thing to do. It would make many kids insicure. You shouldnt expell someone for refusing.

  • This is not the best idea. Students at our high school find Lan School creepy enough but to make students wear tracking chips is awful. It's a waste of way more money that 1.7 million. People could also take the chips off and put them in a classroom so it might not be accurate. Awful idea, creepy, and a waste. 

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