Tour Guide wrangles Python

A tour guide gets the catch of a life time with one of the most dangerous animals ever known. The guide was on showing a family and he saw a big python. He didn’t think this animal was 10 foot, which is 2 times the size of the tour guide. He had a good gripe on the python so his partner could kill it.  The python was about 50 pounds.

I would have been out of my mind and so scared and freaking out if I would have been on that tour. I still think killing it was a little much you could have found him a home or something. This is just really crazy.

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  • Im glad the tour guide saw the python before it attacked them. I would have been scared out of my mind though

  • This is crazy that the tour guide would try and kill it!! I hate snakes and wouldnt think of taking on a 10 footer!

  • i would have been freaking out if i saw a 50 pound python. but the tour guide obviously wasn't. good thing nobody was hurt .

  • That man must be really lucky to catch that snake.

  • I would freak out and not touch the python. Pythons are very dangerous!! I wouldnt of ever had the guts to try and catch the snake!!! Some people are crazy and dont always think things through, he could of died.

  • That is one huge snake! They are lucky that no one got hurt from it.

  • I would have freaked out! That seems pretty scary and that tour guide was really brave!

  • Hahaha! What a stud!
  • i would have ran screamed!! I hate snakes!! I would never make it as a tour guide i'm to much of a scardy cat when it comes to some things!! At least this guy was here to help and there were two of them!

  • I hate snakes so much! This man was very brave to grab a python and kill it. He is very lucky that something didn't happen to him.

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