with hackers everywhere these days its very important to keep changing your passwords, here is the link to the top 25 worst passwords of 2012, some of theme are pretty funny! (cnn.com)
Those are some pretty good passwords like letmein and password. I would have never guessed.
People need to make smart passwords to protect there stuff!
They are kind of entertaining to look at because its ridiculous that people would think to make their passwords so simple.
These are some pretty bad passwords. Now that i read this i think i should change mine.
i found that really humorous, but for the longest time my password on everything was monkey.. i thought i was clever. But i was sorely defeated
I think these passwords show how lazy people truely are. All of my passwords are difficult things that no one would ever think of!
It's really amazing how common these are. I've tried some of these on other people's computers and it's insane how often it's right. I can understand people making theses their passwords when they don't really care about security, but they really should care.
I think that some of those passwords are very common, but that is why they are the worst passwords to have because of hackers.
Haha wow those passwords are so bad! I havent used any of those thank goodness! But some people might have bad memories so they use them to remember especially the password, password because it reminds you off to the left every time you go to type it in.