Top 10 Famous Stolen Body Parts

Here's the list of the top 10 famous stolen body parts, plus the link that discribes each of them:
1.Maori Heads
2.Santa Claus' Bones
3.Geronimo's Skull
4.Anne Boleyn's Heart
5.Benito Mussolini's Brain
6.Napoleon penis
7.Remains of Thomas Paine
8.St. Francis Xavier's Toe
9.The head of King Badu Bonsu II
10.The Purloined African,28804,1988719_1988728,00.html?cnn=yes&hpt=Mid

What do you think? I think it's weird that people would steal someones body parts. Also, I've only heard about Anne Boleyn's heart. Have you guys ever heard about the others being stolen?

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  • no none of them
  • Thats weird. Why would someone do that?
  • Jeez lucky. i wish i had Benito Mussolini's Brain.
  • For what reason would you want to steal someone's body parts anyways? To sell them off of eBay? Keep them as a keepsake? Lol. It seems kinda pointless to me.
  • that's really wierd! Why would people want these things, or even steal them??
  • Wierd and cool
  • This is kind of gross and disturbing. It reminds me of like famous peoples hair and everything else being sold on ebay and stuff.. A little rediculous.
  • why are some people so strange?
  • that is very weird
  • did they cut his penis off! jesus what savages? how did you even find something so interesting but useless at the same time ha?
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