a 14 month old survived a twister in New Pekin, Indiana last friday. But on sunday, little Angel Babcock was taken off of her life support. The rest of her family died in the twister.

I think it is amazing that a tiny baby could survive a twister when people alot older than her could not. But, this is horrible.


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  • This is terrible. She was only fourteen months old and had to go through a lot, and the rest of her family also died. I feel sorry for her and her family.

  • Aww that is horrible she is a fighter and its to bad that shee had to die after going through so much.

  • that is terrible. i fell sorry for theextended family for having to make the decison on whether or not to pull the plug. atleast she is in a better and happier place with her family

  • Yes this is a terrible story. I heard she was carried 10 miles in the tornado and her whole family was killed. I can't imagine that. I feel so bad for her and her family.

  • that would be crazy.

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