Toddler Found with Heroin

A New Jersey man was arrested when the day care found Heroin in this little kids coat pockets. Forty eight envelopes were found in a 2 year old's coat while he was at daycare. The reporters said the child didn't know anything was in the pockets of the coat. Why do you think his dad would put Heroin in his pockets then take the kid to day care? What would you do if you were the day care worker who found this?

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  • Good job!

  • I dont know why he would wanna get his kid involved in this and why he would send him to daycare with it

    • Yeah I know especially since he's only 2 makes it even worse.

  • That is messed up...Either the dad didn't mean to put the heroin in the pockets or it was a drug deal that went wrong between him and somebody at the daycare. I doubt it was by accident... how do you accidentally put heroin in your kids coat pocket

    • I think it was a drug deal gone wrong too because there is no way he could of accidentally put the drugs in his kids pockets. 

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    • I think it makes sense that he put it there for someone else to get but the daycare workers found it first. But it is still very dumb of him to put that much drugs on a little kid. 

  • This is really messed kids should not be using drugs at such a young age. I think the father either put them in there or the kid found them and took them.

    • Yeah I think the dad put them there because I don't think a 2 year old would know what it is. 

  • I think this is a very wrong thing to do and it's very unsafe to put that in a child's pockets. When I found it I would immediately call the police.

    • I would call the police right away too! And I agree it was unsafe to do this to a 2 year old!

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