
  • What an awesome day! I loved all the quotes and thoughts of such inspirational women! Thanks for posting Mr. Bruns!

  • That is awesome!! So inspirational! What a great idea for an interview! Notes were definatlely taken.

  • Its great that girls have a day to them. And its quite interesting.  I didn't even know it was a day till now.

  • This is a sweet day! Good day to be a girl! Never even knew this was a day! Cool!!

  • ahhhh! what a great day! whoever made today international girl day, thank you! youre awesome!! thats pretty sweet though if i do say so myself! happy girls day, ladies!

  • Notes taken..quite interesting. Everyone, including guys, will be able to do this someday. It's the whole "if we could live that age over again", but don't regret living how you did. You didn't know better, but later in life, we will.

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