
  • I'm sick of hearing about it too! It's starting to get really annoying. We all know what he did so how about we all just get over it and move on to something actually interesting?
  • I like TIger and think he is a great atheleate.. His little incident with all these girls doesnt change my view of him
  • Ha i dont no why everyone is making such a big deal about it, because if it was anyone else it would have been dropped about 5 months ago.
  • im getting sick of it too. It isn't any of our buisness.
  • this is boring its like a never ending jerry springer episode people just need to get over it
  • I think that every celebrety has had an affair at one point in their life people just need to get over it
  • this has been blown way out of proportion. people cheat every day and it doesnt make national news.
  • its annoying. so he had an afffair or twenty. That"s their problems not ours.
  • Who really cares? this is all just huge news because Tiger was the "good" athlete, stayed out of trouble, never did drugs, but when we hear about him cheating, they publicize the heck out of it. I mean, i thought they publicized about Haiti, Tigers story stole all of Haiti's Atttention :P
  • Yeah. Like who gives a crap. People marry, people cheat, people divorce. Get over it.
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