Tiger Woods Apology

I did not watch his apology. Did any of you? If you didn't, or just want to take in it again, here are some links:

Written Apology (CNN):  http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/02/19/tiger.woods.transcript/index.html

Story of Apology (CNN): http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/02/19/tiger.woods/index.html?hpt=T2  (the video is also on this page)

How did you feel about his apology?

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  • it seems to me that the media is just making this whole situation worse than it needs to be
  • Who cares if he apologized?! Who cares that he did what he did? He's a golfer! He got in an accident and then all this came out? that totally floored me, its very idiotic! He's an athlete, no one should care about his personal life. All that matters is that he is talented at what he does, he made mistakes, so have millions of other people in the world, he is not the first or the only one to do what he did. I wouldn't have made a public apology, but I wouldn't do that in the first place. I would know that would I did was wrong and I was sorry, the public, people outside of what happened, wouldn't NEED to know that I was sorry. That's my take.
  • The media should burt in hel.
  • This was blown way out of proportion the media is making a huge deal over a little thing. its not like hes the first human ever to cheat on somebody. how many celebrity marriages last anyway?
  • this is obviously something that has been blown waaay out of proportion. first of all, i think the media just bugged him until he made a public apology, second of all, i don't beleive there is such a thing as being a sex addict.. people just like to diagnose themselves with some disease to make their life choices seem ok and to blame it on something else. i also think it is crap what i saw today. on some news channel they brought up some "apology analysis expert" to analyze his apology. ... just kinda ridiculous if you ask me.
  • I think it's being made into a waaaaay bigger deal than it should be! The guy was stupid for doing what he did. It's not like he is the first guy in history to ever do this though! People need to move on and get over it and the media just needs to leave it alone and moove on too.
  • I wish he would've just had some pointst that he wanted to adress then just informally talk about them instead of doing the whole written out speech. I'm just so sick of hearing about this and I wish that the media would move on because I don't watch the news everyday now because that's what they talk about instead of important stuff.
  • I think that its the least thing he can do.
  • I could care less if Tiger Woods has an affair every day of the week. What disgusts me is that the media is putting so much effort into publicising this event. Then something really big happens, like the man who flew his plane into the IRS building, and the media only talks a tiny bit about it.
    • I agree
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