A woman was driving 63mph in a 65 zone. She was ticketed because she was driving in the left lane, which is for faster drivers or people passing. The woman was shocked and embarassed
I think this is ridiculous. The police should be focusing more on people speeding!
Read the full story here.
Wow that is a joke they must be desperate for some money
This is extremely stupid. I mean i understand how people should be driving in the right lane if they are slow, but it should not provoke a ticket.
wow that is crazy! i just dont understand the mind of cops sometimes. i guess the women could have been in the slow lane, but really it isnt that big of a deal!
Even though it does seem ridiculous the cop had good reason. All the time people are driving the whole time in the fast lane and I find it anoyying. All she had to do was go to the other lane.
That's ridiculous. extremely strict enforcement of traffic laws doesn't really help anything. The officer didn't really allow any margin of error for the speedometer either. that is really slow for the left lane but ticketing her for it is completely stupid In my opinion
I understand the message that they are trying to send with this, keep right, but I think that this is just a tad on the far side. If anything, I feel that she should have just gotten a warning with the officer saying to stay right
i think for being slower in the fast lane would be a reason to get pulled over but not for going 2 mph under the speed limit! her cruise could've been set and it could've slowed down on its own
This is really ridiculous. Don't get me wrong it's annoying when people in the passing lane are going under the speed limit but I don't think that was necessary. I feel bad for the woman, I'd be really embarrassed!
Thats just plain out stupid. You shouldn't get a ticket for that. Yes there is thing as being slow in a fast lane but thats not 2 miles an hour under the speed limit. That doesn't give you enough room for leaway if you need to slow down or something for a curve.
This is stupid! 2mph under the speed limit isn't an excuse to give out a ticket! I agree police should be focusing on other, more harmful problems! I hope she doesn't actually have to pay for the ticket!