In recent news a sword fish that weighed about 600 lbs. was attacked by a large mako shark. The sword fish had its tail almost entirely ripped off and was bitten on its dorsal fin. The fisher men were able to get it on board but the catch had been ruined.
I think that it would be cool to have this happen even though you would lose your catch.
What are your views?
i would be kind of mad i mean a 600lb fish is huge and it would suck to lose it.
It's pretty cool that caught a 600 pound fish whether it was ruined or not!
That is still pretty cool that they found the fish even thought the catch was ruined.
That would be really cool to watch, but I wouldn't want it to happen to me.
That is a pretty big fish and would've brought in the big bucks.
It would be scary to watch for me, but it would also be cool to have been able to watch it, and then catch the fish.
That sucks. I'm guess fights like that happen all the time though. Poor Sword fish.
I think that catching a 600lb fish would be an awesome experience even though it was all destroyed and what not. Catching the shark to would have been really cool.
This story is almost exactly like Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway. Did this happen in Cuba by any chance? That's kind of amusing.
I wouldn't care if I lost my fish, that would be great to see that happen right before my eyes.