The snowplows of Harlan

This morning at 7:50 ish, the biggest rush of the morning where all the parents and bus drivers are trying to get their kids to school at once causing a traffic jams on a normal basis, a snowplow was doing its thing right at the intersection of 19th and Durant, right where all of the traffic was. I don't know about you, but that is stupid and irresponsible. As workers of the city, it should be the plower's job to get the plowing done Before morning rushes like that. I was almost late for school because of this. What are your thoughts on this?

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  • Yeah, that would make me mad if i was running late and stuck behind a snow plow. There was a pile up of snow in front of our drive on Cyclone that we were not able to turn into the lane that leads to the back parking lot from our house. We had to drive on the highway and go to the front to make it to school. That was kind of a pain but, they finally got it cleared off so we can go to the back again.
  • I pretty sure if they weren't doing their job, then they wouldn't still have their job. Nobody that drives a snowplow is going to read this discussion so I don't see why everybody is complaining.
  • I also had great dificulty with this. It made me rather mad and i agree that the city needs to take responsibility and snowplow the streets around school before people need to get to the school. I can see where this is a problem!
  • Snowplows really need to be off those type of streets at that time of day. If the roads aren't cleared it's their fault and they should have been out earlier taking care of that.
  • the city should do that on the weekends or during the day when people are not trying to get around
  • Snowplows should be out before most of the people get up and go to work or school. It causes traffic jams and people get nervous driving with snowplows on the road since they are so HUGE and take up more then half of the road.
  • i think it should have been done before everyone started to leave for school and work
  • they are bad.
  • They should start nearlier so that we can have school and not make it up
  • I agree i think that they need to have the roads done before people have to go to school
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