The new 2304 bill.
The new bill was signed by Governor Reynolds the new bill talks about illegal reentry into the state by certain aliens. The bill talks about a prohibition on arrest in certain locations, orders to return to a foreign nation, orders for aliens to return to a foreign nation, immunity from liability, indemnification for enforcement actions, sentencing restrictions, and providing penalties. The reason why she signed this bill is because she thinks that “the Biden administration has failed to enforce our nation’s immigration laws, putting the protection and safety of Iowans at risk.” She also said, “Those who come into our country illegally have broken the law, yet Biden refuses to deport them.” Lastly, she said, “ This bill gives Iowa law enforcement the power to do what he is unwilling to do: enforce immigration laws already on the books.”. The reason why I think this bill will be good for Iowa is because it helps Iowa protect its residents. Another reason why I think this bill will be good for Iowa is because if this bill wasn’t a thing we wouldn't be able to do something about the illegal immigrants if they came into our state.
Do you agree with this bill, if so why?
What would you change about this bill?
Do you think this bill benefits Iowa, if so why?
Good topic choice but your summary is brief and your comments to students is not what I'm looking for. This was also posted over a week late.
I do agree with this bill. I also agree with that and that the biden administration has failed with the immigration laws. I wouldn't make any changes to the bill. I do think the bill benefits iowa because like you said it gives the officers in iowa to enforce immigration laws that Biden has not so it overall doesn't do us any good.
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I do agree with this bil because i also agree with ehr and that the biden administration has failed with the immigration laws. I wouldn't make any changes to the bill. I do think the bill benefits iowa because like you said it gives the officers in iowa to enforce immigration laws that Biden has not.
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i do agree with this bill. almost half of the illigle alians that come into the united states are apart of either a gang or some cartel. i dont think id change anything about the bill. i thin the bill could defintly help iowa. the reason i say this is because it would reducie the amount of alians that have been in contact with gangs or catels and lessin te amount of illigale sutff coming in and out if iowa. it alos allowes the police to actully do there job with out being called racist.
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