So, we all know that the media puts a lot of focus on the famous people in our society, and a lot of us are interested. We pick up a tabloid here, watch E! News there, or just hear things in general. But what do you think? When does it become too much, and what stories have you heard that have been blown way out of proportion?
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i think people just need to realize that famous people are just like us they just are better known and have alot more money. i think people needa just lay off.
I don't think it's that big of an issue. I look at celebrities as normal people and nothing better. But I guess alot of people do almost "worship" famous people. People need to chill out, they're just people too.
Yeah i think some people do get really crazy about other people. I know if somebody has a special skill or something you like to hear about them if you think it is cool but people can get pretty crazy about following people around. I think Micheal Jackson's death was definately blown out of proportion. There is many other important things going on to not to put him down.
I think that people tend to blow things way out of proportion a lot. In my opinion famous people are just like regular people. I think it is all just to entertain people that aren't as fortunate as these "famous" people. Although it is sad how people become so obsessive.
I think that if you don't get all obbsesed over a celbrities it shows that you're not going to conform to what everybody else is doing. In return I don't think that just because you're famous means that you need to flaut everything that you buy. I mean really do you need eight different cars at your three different mansions located in different countries? That is also rediculous.
Ok, I absolutely cannot stand E, and I don't care if so and so slept with so and so, or if Jon cheated on Kate. This is absolutely pathetic that people actually give those stupid shows enough views to keep them on the air. If I ever become famous and a poparazzi dude is kepp in my face trying to take my picture or ask a stupid question, I'm gonna drop him. Then I'll smash his camera and any wired device on his person, and send him with the message that I won't tolerate that crap. I know I got off topic but that's my post.
I think many people are just out there to show all the famous people's flaws. Most famous people wouldnt hide from the paparazi's if they said true things about them.