Arnold schwartzzanegutrysdfwtomgs (i think thats how you spell it) Makes fun of sarah palin right here 

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  • haha! i love the pictures! there really cute. :) and poor lil squirrel, hes not gonna get any of that coke.
  • that squirrel can definatly play the sax!! and its kinda dumb that he said that. who besides him would remeber that!?
  • that was not very nice to make fun of her for saying that she can see russia from her house. The pictures of squirls are funny(:
  • The first one looks really fat and the other one is reallly skinny.
  • yep. those certainly are some silly things for squirrels to do.
  • haha...i like squirrels lol
  • those squirrels are hilarious! :) hahah but the photoshop in the first one is kinda obvious haha...
  • lol
  • This is pretty cool, not gonna lie these squirrels have got to be trained and that would be even harder to train them.
  • I think Palin deserves it. she always seems really grumpy.
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