The Fish are Biting

An angler had a shock in the US when a mystery fish bit him back.


Frank Yarborough was fishing in Lake Wylie, South Carolina, when he hooked a 5lb and 1ft 8ins long fish.


Assuming it was a catfish, he scooped his hand in the water to pull it out, only to find his fingers clamped between what appeared to be a set of dentures.The fish had human-looking teeth! 8O


A freshwater fisheries biologist with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, has confirmed that samples from the fish have been sent off to determine the fish's species. He said, "This fish is more than likely a common species of Pacu, Colossama macropomum, originating from the Amazon River basin of South America and is quite common in the aquarium trade."


Pacus, a distant relative of the piranha, is a warm water fish, and not native to Lake Wylie. Biologists believe it was probably raised in an exotic fish tank and released when it got too large for the tank.


The fish is currently in a freezer in Mr Yarborough's Clover home, but unsurprisingly he has no plans to cook his catch


poor guy, i mean being bit by some alien fish.... not cool. and who gets a Pacus fish? I wouldn't want the relative of a man-eating fish I'd want the real thing! I get a piranha!

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  • This is really Crazy!! It kinda makes me not want to go fishing!
  • Thats just weird you are suppposed to be fishing and getting bit by a human Fish is crazy and creepy.
  • Ew! why wouldnt he just cook it and eat it! Like me, i would take a picture of it then eat it!
  • Well your right jordan trickin and killin. HE is so weird.! why would you do such a dumb thing.
  • Human teeth? thats so weird.
  • thats kinda weird that fish have human like teeth
  • wow did not know fish would do that
  • thats...disturbing...i would not want to catch a fish with human teeth
  • A fish with human-like teeth?! Maybe this fish is like that one off of finding nemo who is secretely Dori's "squishy."
  • Why would the guy keep the alien like fish in his house?
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