The Dog is a Hero!

A man, who is 60 years old, fell through the thin ice on the Colorado River when he went to grab the duck he shot while hunting. While he was in the freezing water his dog would not leave his side and even tried to reach for the man, but the man kept telling him to stay back. The dog waited there for 30 minutes until the police arrived!

It's amazing how compassionate and loyal dogs and other animals can be! Dogs truly are a man's bestfriend!

Thoughts? Have you heard any other stories similar to this?

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  • I think its great i like dogs they are great pets to have and are truly a mans best friend i want a dog like that some day!

  • This is an awesome story. I have a dog named Buddy that is like one of my bestfriends and this story reminds me of him.

  • Well I guess they aren't mans best friend for nothing. It is touching that the dog was so loyal to his owner!

  • Dogs are totally mans best friend! I always hope that my dog would do this if it happened to me! But when my dad was little his brother fell in to the pond and their collie Lassie pulled him out. It's just amazing how dogs do this i think dogs are a present from god. I love my dog he talks to me and he loves giving hugs :)

  • I have heard so many stories about dogs being loyal like this to their owner! This story is a very good story though and im surprised the dog stayed their the entire time and even tried to help get the person out of the water!

  • That dog is a stud, I love how much loyal they can be even with the littlest attenion. I love dogs

  • Awhh that is so cute, i love good dog stories. Its crazy how loyal dogs can be.

  • I love dogs. i think they are amazing to have in a household. Their companionship to their owners is amazing.

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