What cause the Vietnam War? There could be multiple reason for this but a one sticks out more than others and that is independce. When a country wants independce it means they are tring to make their very own country with their own laws and standards. That was the case for Vietnam. They wanted their indepence from France.
Ever since the 19th century, Vietnam had been under France's control. During WWII Japan invaded Vietnam and politiical leader, Ho Chi MInh, formed the Viet Minh. The Viet Minh was a League for the Independence of Vietnam. After the U.S. defeated Japan, Japan was force to retreat from Vietnam and go back to their country. After France had been weakened, Ho Chi MInh took the opportunity for him and his forces to take control. The Viet Minh took over the northern city of Hanoi and declared a Democratic Republic of Vietnam with Ho as their president. On July 1949, Emperor Bao made Vietnam their very own state but France still had some control over them. Over time there was problems as Ho Chi MInh wanted a more communist State over what Emperor Bao wanted, a close economic and cultural ties to the West.
Ho’s communist forces started taking over more of the north region and eventually there conflict between the two sides began. But one day in May 1954, Viet Minh defeated France force in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. After the victory of Dien Bien Phu France was forced to sign the treaty of Saigon. With the treaty ,Vietnam was split along the latitude into two different sides with Ho in control in the North and Emperor Bao in the South. Eventually Emperor Boa was pushed out of his spot as president and Ngo Dinh Diem became the new president.
With the cold war going on, the U.S. increased their polices on helping any allies of the Soviet Union and with that The 34th U.S. president ,Dwight D. Eisenhower pledged his firm support to Diem and South Vietnam. Now with all the help from the U.S., South Vietnam started looking like they had a decent army. Viet cong began to start attacking south Vietnam's government. With all of the attacks, John F. Kennedy sent over 9,000 U.S. army troops to try to figure it out. In august of 1964, Two U.S. destroyer were destoryed by the DRV. The U.S. then ordered war and the U.S. start regular bombing raids. About a year later America started to bring even more troops over to start attacking North Vietnam. Years into the war a joint U.S-South Vietnamese operation went and invaded cambonia in hopes to push back North Vietnam. During this invasion the U.S army killed 4,000 unarmed civillians. When this news hit America , Americans were furious. There were many protest all around the U.S. and many end up with people dead.
Do you think that the U.S. should have joined the war?
Which side do you think was Right ?
Do you think Dwight D. Eisenhower should of brought more troops to vietnam or less.
I'm glad you got this posted but it was four days late which does not give people time to comment on it whihc is worth 30 points. You also have no personal thoughts or opinions included.