The burning of the Quran in Afganistan

There have been riots in which the Quran is being thrown into fires in Afghanistan. Read the article, and tell me what your thoughts are about this. Do you think is was necessary for these people to do this?

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  • I would think in the laters months it will resolved.  It was pitiful that Obama made this general error.  I don't know if I would acted the same way but, I know that other people will cause riots.

  • many people have their beliefs and feel different about religion but that should be no excuse for burning the bible

  • The religion may be wrong but thats no reason to burn someones belief

  • they were saying that they didn't realize that they were burning the quran.  like really? how do you not know that you not know whTat books you are burning.  bad desicion on thier part.

  •    I think that it was very irresponsible of the NATO troops. If they had any sense they could have figured out that the burning would cause a dispute. The troops have somewhat of a position of power and responsibity and they abused it. I think that later on this particular event will die down, but it has increased the overall tension in Afghanistan. I think it was a disrespectful thing to do beacause not all people of the Muslim religion are bad. So yes, they might have been proteting against extremists, but they were also insulting good people and their religion. I don't think it should have been taken as far as for shooting to break out, causing two U.S. soldiers to lose their lives. If it were the bible I alo would have felt disrespected, because it is insulting.

  • If they think that holy of the quran that you have to wash your hands before even touching it, i could see why everyone made such a big deal about it and started riots. Burning the quran is showing freedom of speech but even if you did burn something valuable to other people, you shouldn't flaunt it around in their face just to tick them off, that's just not the way to go.

  • Thats not right to burn someones religius books. We wouldnt be happy if they came into the us and burnt our books. I can see why there was riots.

  • I think the Taliban is just looking for reasons to hate the U.S., because, on Good Morning America, it said that the reason they burned the books is because they were using them to send messages between terrorists. Yes, they shouldn't have burned them, but I do believe they were right to dispose of them; they just shouldn't do it so publicly.

  • I think the burning of the Quran showed how the people did not like the religion of Islam, and I personally think the downfall of Islam would not be a bad thing...

  • that would be unright to burn the books.

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