The bad Molly

She getting into concerts, raves and the bodies of many teens most commonly ages 12 to 17. she hiding in places most kids never think she would be. She originally came from china, and now is invading the United States. Molly is not a doll, not a real person, nor is she safe. Molly is a drug full of chemicals known to stun the nervous system and even cause death. She can be placed in drinks, capsules, or syringes. The chemicals in this drug are not completely identifiable, and do not all look the same. this drug is being rapidly spread through the U.S. its also getting into Australia, New Zealand, and Europe. 

My opinion is still up in the air. i don't know what to think. its crazy and we need to get rid of it but im not sure how.

  Please leave a comment or question and ill try to respond asap

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  • Be sure to provide a link to the actual story about the drug to give credence to your topic. Also, be sure to capitalize words that should be.

  • I think as much as we try there's no way we can get rid of the drug. It's crazy what kids will do for just one night of "fun"!

  • This sounds bad. Don't we have enough drug problems? Do we really need to deal with more? We need to get rid of this drug, somehow. I don't understand how someone would willingly take a drug that stuns your nervous system and that you have a probability of dying. 

  • There's not much I know about this drug, but I do know that a lot of people have talked about it before.  I know people say that we should just get rid of it, but it's really not that easy because there's always going to be somebody that finds it somehow.

  • You would think that a person would understand the risk of taking a drug like this. When they hear about people dying because of it, I would hope that they would have the common sense not to take it. This could also cause a large conflict between America and China. If we were to think that China was just bringing the drug to America and it wasn't being confiscated at a Airport or docking area, it could lead to hostilities between the two super powers of countries.

  • If this drug is very dangerous and killing a lot of people they should try to put a stop to it. Especially since some of the chemicals aren't completely identifiable.

    • you are exactly right, but most people dont know there taking it.

  • Kids will do what they want to do no matter what. It's always the younger group of people who get into this stuff. Teenagers can be so naïve. Molly is a very harmful drug. The effects of this drug can be final. One of the ways to help stop teens from using it would be to make the side affects more known. An example could be as easy as an article in a newspaper or popular magazine.   

  • I have heard how this drug is just a big party drug, most people in college take it. It's scary how it could hurt a harmless person. I'm interested to hear what exactly this is.

  • Molly is full of bad chemicals and toxins that can cause damage to the body which can also lead to death.

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