Texting Pilot Alomst Crashes

In May 2010, A pilot was getting ready to land a jet when his cell phone started to make noise, we tried to turn it off but had trouble un-locking it.

Him and his co-pilot wasnt aware that the landing gear wasnt had not been deployed yet. They couldnt deploy the landing gear because they were too close to the ground. Tiredness was also a factor in this situation.


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  • That his horrible. do as you preach. He should of made sure his phone was off especially since he is flying an airplane. He should be very punished for this. He put so many people in danger

  • Why would a pilot do something like that?

  • Since people say "No texting while driving," you would think that the pilot would understand that it is logical to say, "No texting while flying." How dumb!

  • this is stupid, okay when your texting and diving its bad but your by your self putting your own life in danger.. but while flying a plane! putting a bunch of peoples life in danger!

  • I wonder why he wouldn't just ignore his phone and not try and mess with it, also i wonder how they didn't deploy the landing gear.

  • thats really dumb of what this pilot did. texting while flying with other people you dont even know and yourself. bad move! 

  • yea that was a big mistake of the pilot.. first because he let the cell phone on and second because he tried to stop it when he was putting the plane on groung

  • You'd think the co-piolet would realize the landing gear wasn't out even thought the piolet didn't. I think they shouldn't have phones on them in the first place because it's just another distraction. and when you have so many peoples lives on your hands you shouldn't have any.

  • that's absolutely ridiculous. he shouldnt have had his phone on anyways

  • thats crazy he could have killed someone. Even though he is trying to shut it off its still bad to pull his phone out while landing.

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