A lady was sitting on a cliff, texting, and was discarding something. She slipped on some wet grass and fell 60 feet. She was only 10 feet from the cold tide. The lady is stabilized in an Anchorage hospital. Her friend had heard her screams of agony. I am glad that she is doing okay.
People say don't drive and text. Many of us have seen the results of that, many lead to death. Walking and texting, a lot of us do it. I do too. But when crossing a street or something along those lines, you should make sure you pay attention. You never know if you step in front of a car until it is too late. What are your thoughts? Be careful of the dangers of texting!
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A lot of people think that texting and driving, texting and driving, texting and doing anything isn't a huge deal.. but I have people who I know who have died from, for instance, texting and driving. It's not something to mess around with. People need to be careful.
People should pay more attention when they are texting or something like this will happen. It's unfortunate that things like this happen everyday when they can be prevented.
I always have trouble texting and walking. I always have to stop pretty much everything I'm doing in order to text. She should have been paying more attention, but I'm glad she's okay.
ok honestly i do feel bad for that lady because she just walked of a cliff. But if some people are this clueless and just walk of a cliff...something needs to happen. Hopefully some day this lady will be able to laugh about it, because well...she walked off a cliff.
wow, im surprised she survived the fall. she must be really lucky
people need to stop texting while they are driving because this just shows what could happen to people.
This is just a freak accident. I'm sure you won't see any "don't text and sit on a cliff" commercials anytime soon.
Wow. Thats crazy, I can see where a person may fall, or get seriously hurt while texting if you are doing something. I wonder how she slipped off the cliff if she was sitting down. Scarey feeling.
Wow this is crazy! i cant believe that she was TEXTING and slipped on some grass! Im glad she is still alive but thats crazy that she fell like 60 ft and didnt die.
I walk and text and i dont know how many people I have run into because I was being careless. I feel sorry for the lady but is kinda her fault for not paying attention.