Nikola Tesla was an American inventor, that has been overlooked for years, is getting some recent attention by a few well known people. Mathew Inman, one of my favorite cartoonists, has taken up a project to restore Nikolas Telsa's laboratory, known as Wardenclyffe into a museum. He's taking donations, he is trying to reach 850k, and giving them to a nonprofit organization that wants to buy the land and build a museum. They will need 1.7 million but if he gets together the 850k the non profit organization will make up the difference. As of now he has surpassed 850k and collected roughly 890k. A little background on Tesla, he was born in 1856 and died in 1943. He mainly worked with electricity, he started working for Thomas Edison in 1884. There is so much more about Tesla that I could tell you, I hope he will no longer overlooked.
Its so awesome he is finally getting some recognition. Sometimes the most important people are overlooked and it will be great if they can reach their goal and get his work into a museum.
Hopefully they won't forget the Telsa coil.
The teleforce would be much better
I don't think he's really overlooked, I hear about him all the time, but the restoration of his lab sounds cool. He was a very interesting person, if there was ever a time traveler it was/is/will be him
it is really good that this person is getting some recognition and that some people are helping this act and i hope that they get enough money to make the lab
It's great that they are finally rewarding such an influential scientist! It's reassuring that people still care about him and his legacy. In today's society not many people are willing to do a lot to preserve or celebrate history, but Mathew Inman and all those who donated took a huge step to do just that.
Its great that people are doing things like this to help with american history! Im glad people donated to help with the lab, but its sad tha he was so overlooked.