A 17 year old girl named Taylor Peatrowsky drove on the same street she had drove on many times before. She was taking a drink of water and went off the road into the snowy field.  This area was so enclosed that nobody saw what happened and didn't see her car down there. Her parents knew something was wrong when she didn't show up for work and put things up on Facebook because she wasn't answering her phone. Her injuries were so bad that she couldn't make it back up the embankment and she couldn't get help because nobody could hear her yelling. She was stranded in the freezing cold for more than 3 hours. The only thing she could find was a sweatshirt that kept her warm for a very short time.  Her neighbor was the one that found her. She had to miss the Miley Cyrus concert because she's in the hospital so they're trying to get Miley to come see her in the hospital.

What would you do if you were stranded for this long?  Do you think you would keep trying to get help or eventually give up?

Click here to see what she has to say about her miracle. 

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  • Good job Sara!

  • I don't know if i would give up because there is always the chance that someone will find you and it could happen right as you give up and then you will never be found. 

    • Yes, she could have been saved and I'm glad that she was found.

  • I probably would have freaked out and not known what to do. I think I would keep trying to get help, but would be scared.

    • I think I would panic and probably make things worse.

  • I would of done the same thing, but I would never give up. It would be great if Miley came to see her. A couple weeks ago my brother had been like the cold for multiple hours longer than Taylor. I cant even imagine being in the cold for that long, let alone 30 minutes. The injuries that my brother took on were very serious. I imagine hers are almost as bad.

  • I would do everything I could to get out! I would keep trying! This must have been very scary.

  • I think It would be scary to be stranded. I would try to get help but shes lucky she survived

  • If it was cold out I would probably give up eventually.  I'd try at first to get help but eventually the cold would get to me and I would have to give up.

    • I think that I would give up too because it would be so hard and I would think that I would just get too tired.

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