
  • Wow, why would you do that. Like are they stupid, do they honesly think that their gonna get away with it.
  • all i can say is wow
  • Some kids are so stupid these days (:.
  • couldn't be more obvious
  • ha ha okay maybe his kid should go to school and get an education insted of skipping and he could get his own money insted of stealing it.
  • One, why the hell would you rob a bank in the first place.
    Two, what are the odds of you getting away from robbing a bank? About a 5% chance if that.
    Three, use common sense when and if you ever think about robbing a bank. Be prepared?
    haha wow what an idiot like seriously. i would like to punch this kid in the throat :p
  • If your going to rob a bank at least be smart about it!
    • I agree that if a person is going to rob a bank than they should try and not get caught. The school would know he wasn't there. He should have covered his tracks better.
  • Oh man! I beat he feels like a winner! Like seriously people are stupid! Why in the world would you do something like that?
  • he isn't that smart couse why would you rob a bank while skipping school in the middle of the day
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