In Rogers, Arkansas, a teenager thought it would be funny to send a text to a random phone number saying, "I hid the body... now what?" Unfortunately, the number she chose was a cop's number. She was 15 years old. and she said she got the idea from Pinterest. 

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  • I've also seen this on pintrest. The chance of her sending it to a cop would be very little. Thats crazy!

  • Thats funny especially since she sent it to a cop but why would you send that to a random number.

  • geez that would suck! ha i think she  got off pretty dang lucky! just her luck to have the number be the cops number!! well i think she might have learned her lesson... hopefully

  • that would probably ruin a good prank haha atleast she didnt get into trouble

  • I bet the police were mad, but it is original. The girl could have picked a better number though. She is lucky that she didn't get in to any trouble 

  • thats hilarious! haha... the fact that the random number was a cop just makes it even funnier.. haha.. that sounds bad, but its true..

  • That is a stupid prank to do in the first place. I mean why would you send that to anyone even if it is a joke. That is horrible and i hope she gets in big trouble.
  • And THAT is why pintrest is bad; it gives people bad ideas.

  • as much as this shouldn't be funny, it's pretty funny! i've seen this on pinterest, too! 

  • wow thats dumb that you would send a text saying that i couild see if its a friend but sendin to a random number and finding out its a cop is just asskin for trouble


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