In Florida, a senior at Deltona High School got her hair stuck in a machine during shop class. The machine ripped out a huge chunk of her hair. Now she has a big bald spot. The school says that her hair should have been pulled back. Her mom thinks that the school was being irresponsible because they didn't call her right away.

I think that she should have been smart enough to think to pull her hair back. I think part of it is the teacher's fault too. If he's been teaching for 29 years, you would think he would be able to remind girls to pull their hair back and away from the machines.


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  • Ouch! I personally think its both of their faults hers, because she didn't remember to put her hair back, and his because he has been teaching for such a long time he should have reminded her to put her hair back!

  • Ooooh ouch! I know that in our Ag. and shop classes, safety is strictly enforced. It ultimately is the teachers fault though for not making the girl pull her hair back.

  • The teacher should have stated the rules, but the girl should have been responsible to pull back her own hair. I can also see it being something that slips through your mind as, 'oh that will never happen to me,' type of thing.

  • I agree with the school. her hair should have been pulled back. This is a horrible thing but the girl should have been smarter. The daughter should have called her mom and been the responsible one. Instead the school got blamed? i dont think that was right.

  • I agree with you on the school being irresponsible, unless there was a sign saying you need to pull back your hair. Depending on what type of machine it was, she might be lucky that she wasn't badly injured.

  • I agree that it is not all one person's fault. The teacher and the students need to be aware. That would be an extemely painful expirience to go through.

  • thats horible the if they are doing that the teacher should have told the girls with long hair to pull it up poor girl

  • I'm sure the teacher read off the rules at the beginning of the year. It's not the teacher's fault the girl decided not to pull her hair back. If she was forgetting to pull her hair back, who knows what other safety procedures she didn't do? It could have been a lot worse, but that's why you have some some common sense and run machines right.

  • Poor girl. She got hair ripped off were skull because she didn't pull up her hair and the teacher didn't reminder her to do it. I still blame the teacher more though, teaching for 29 yrs and didn't have a spot in his brain to warn the girls with long hair to pull them back. Very irresponsible indeed.

  • I think that it  is all the girls fault if your not smart enough to put your hair back that you shouldn't be using power tools because she obviously isn't smart enough to use those.

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