Teen Rape Victim Who Could Not Cope

      Cherice Moralez was an ordinary girl from Billings, Montana who loved dancing, music, outdoors, reading and poetry until a man turned her world upside down. Stacey Rambold, a business teacher at Billings Senior High School, raped Cherice on several occasions. She was 14, and he was 49. Moralizes family and friends knew something was wrong as her grades began to rapidly go down, and her mood changed for the worst. It was not until a year later that the truth came out about Rambold and Moralez. 

   After taking the case to court Rambold was only charged with a 30-day sentence. She never could cope with what happened, and in 2010 it all became too much. Moralez was found dead in her mother's bed with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. When people got word that the man responsible for the rape which lead to suicide only went to jail for 30 days they went berserk. Soon hundreds of people were gathered around the Yellowstone County Courthouse demanding to have Judge G. Todd Baugh, who gave Rambold the short sentence, step down. The judge never stepped down, and claimed that Cherice was just as much in control as Rambold was. Cherices mother still continues to grieve over the loss of her daughter.

Do you think Rambold should have been charged with a longer sentence? What are your thoughts on how Cherice handled this situation? 

Link to this story: http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/30/us/montana-teacher-rape-victim-profile/index.html?hpt=us_t4    


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  • I think that Rambold should be in prison for a very long time for what he did to that girl. And she probably didnt tell anyone about it because she didnt want to be embarrassed and made fun of or something like that. She Should of atleast told her parent what all happened so they could fix it all. 

  • Holy cow! This crazy and sad! :( This girl has been through enough. I feel so bad for her. :( I hope that man gets life sentence! 

  • This is horrible and it disgusts me that he raped her, she was only 14! I can't believe that he would only be given 30 days in jail despite what he did, that ultimately led to her killing herself! His sentence should have been much longer, and it also makes me mad that the judge basically said it was just as much her fault that she was raped as it was the teacher's. This whole situation is awful and sad, and it makes me upset knowing that Cherice still might be here if the judge wouldn't have given such a light punishment for a horrible crime.

    • If the man raping her was of a younger age I could possibly see how that would come together, but even then a sentence of at least 2 years should be given out. In this case however the man was 35 years older and taught at the high school she attended, therefore he knew how old she was and exactly what he was doing! That judge did not take enough of a look at this case.

  • There are multiple things he could be charged with. 1. Rape in what ever degree because she was a minor and I highly doubt is was consensual and 2. possibly involuntary manslaughter. What he did led this girl to kill herself and that is never okay. Rambold should be given jail time for life!

    • Absolutely, and I am positive there are tons of others options for what this man could be charged with. Also, I think her mother should have sent her to a rehab center for dealing with traumatic events, so maybe Cherice could of coped with the fact and got better instead of commuting suicide.

  • Shame on him. How could he live with himself knowing that he was the reason for another person to end their life?  He should be charged with at least a few years. 

    I think that Miss Moralez should have found help, and talked with someone about it. I understand she was a miserable mess, but she didn't need to end her life over it. 

    • I agree, that judge should have realized tons of teenage girls look older than they are, and I think Cherice's change in mood went to show she did not agree with what was happening; he was in control. This man should be charged with a bigger penalty, because no one should be able to ruin someone's life and get away with it. Since Cherice was so close with her mom it would have been better in the long run if she told her what happened, and then got therapy to help her heal not spiral downward and commit suicide like she did.

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