Teen Mom Shaylah McQueen got pregnant her junior year of high school. She became determined to do good and become the person shes always wanted to be. Not only did she finish high school, but she graduated as number 1 in her class and was valedictorian. She even recieved a full ride to college for Wilson College in Pennsylvania. She plans on doing good in life and supporting her baby.
I am very happy for this teen mom! She finished top of her class at age seventeen and with a one year old child. That just goes to show that anything is possible.
I am very proud of her. She had to work really hard, considering most teen moms eithern drop out of school or just their GED. Good for her!
That is so awesome! Most people who become a 'Teen Mom' feel bad for themselfs, and just give up. She tried, and that just shows anything is possible. That is so great! Good for her!
WOW! thats terrific! she defiently came up from under everyone and proved herself! she made a mistake but certainly proved she was better than that! very proud of what she has done! thats seriously awesome! i am most defiently proud of the fact she went back to school and finished strong!
Good for her! She's showing other teen moms that they can stay at school while having a baby and even graduate top of their class. It must of been a lot of work but atleast she did it.
this is so awesome, she is chasing her dreams through hard work and dedication, no matter what life throws at her. it's so very good that she wants to support her baby with a good job, and i bet she will get it with that college degree.
I think this is awesome! When I watch those shows it hakes me think that they don't really care about what they're doing. This has opened up a new window of respect for these girls especially the young girl featured in the article. That is awesome. Congratulations to her! (:
That is cool. How she had a baby but yet still graduated and was the top of her class.
Awesome, pretty inspirational for other teen moms
This is inspiring to some people like myself, although im not a teen parent if she could do it i believe anyone could do it.