A teen in Pennsylvania passes his driving test for his license only to drive his car into the building moments later, injuring three people.  Those injured were not seriously hurt.  Apparently the teen was dropping off the driving tester and forgot to put on the parking brake before getting out of the car.  I think its pretty safe to say that he did not get his license that day.  Here is the Link.

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  • well that stinks. no license for that child
  • lol that would suck to be him probaly was excited to get his licence but got to put the brake on
  • wow how can you possibly forget to put the car in park
  • how much more ironic could that be lol
  • I think thats sorta ironic right when you get you licsense youdrive right into the building.
  • what a goober(: I love people like him!!! It is sad that he hurt people though.
  • Sometimes you forget to do something but their is a building in your way and technically i dont think it was his fault i mean he didn't put a park brake on. At least he didnt go pile driving into the building, so it wasn't a driving error it was a mental error.
  • hahaha that sucks.
  • That has to suck. Hopefully next time he'll put it in park and then maybe he will get his license!
  • wow...up in denison when i took driver's ed i remember one story one teacher told us..that one student thought he was in reverse but was actually in drive, and when he was trying to back and it wouldnt move, he pushed harder on the gas and ended up drive over the curb and towards the buliding, they almost hit it but the instucter hit his break before they did
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