In my opinion pranking people can be really fun, but apparently people think this teen takes it too far. 18 year old, Charles Ross in Florida would literally go up to random people and do pranks such as kissing them, sitting on their laps, and the biggest upset, give wedgies. He has numerous videos on youtube under his name "Ross Creations" with a bunch of hits. His wedgie to a stranger outside a movie theater made people extremely upset which made him get arrested with battery charge. What would you do if you got pranked by him? Do you think it was right for him to be arrested? Go to the link below to see some of his pranks and the official report.
I think this happening to anyone in public would be humiliating. But to get arrested for it? That could be taking it a little too extreme. Maybe he could have gotten off with a warning at first but continued mishaps like this, he probably would deserve some jail time. Not a lot but some.
Kind of a lame prank anyway. usually pranking involves some sort of illegal activity that's why you pick people who won't press charges. He was kind of asking for it.
It's one thing if you prank your friends, which is alright, but if your pranking total strangers that is probably not a good idea.
Why would you go up to somebody you don't know and do something like that? I think that pranking people is fun...especially when you don't know how they will react. I think it's fine pranking a family member or friend, but pranking random people is just weird.
In my opinion this is ridiculous. Pranking is one thing when it is with friends, but people you don't know is different. i think that he should have got arrested over the kissing more than giving someone a wedgie. If someone came up to me and gave me a wedgie i wouldn't be happy but I'd be happier than i would if someone kissed me that i didn't know.
I think a pranking can be pretty harmless and it pretty funny every now and then, but this guy took it a little too far. That's harassing someone and that would get so annoying after awhile.
I would be sooooo confused is a random stranger came up to me and gave me a wedgie, and I might be a little mad. But since it didnt happen to me i find it funny!
Even if it is funny some of things he is doing are still illegal, which is why he was arrested.
Why would you arrest him? That's so dumb! I mean he didn't even do and thing bad! People are so dumb!