Teachers train to face school shooter

Police officers train teachers in Florida how to attack and disarm shooters that come into the schools. The teachers are using only their fist, feet, elbows, and knees no firearms or weapons. The officers also gave the teachers tips on what to listen to like a empty clip from a gun that sound could be what safes your life someday. Do you think they should teach all teachers how to face school shooters? What's your opinion? 


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  • Good choice of topic! Be sure to reply more frequently though.

  • I think that is a great idea! It is way better then having a gun in the teachers room where the kids have access to it. I is a good way to protect students and teachers. Maybe Harlan schools should do it too.

  • I think it is a good idea to have as much training as you can for these events. I do think, however, no amount of training can prepare you for the real thing. You would have to have self control to remember these steps and keep clam during the actual event.

  • I think that it is a smart idea to train teachers in case a shooter goes in a school. I think they should teach all the teachers that, especially since there have been  quite a bit of school shootings in the past year.

  • I also agree that this is an extremely good idea. It can prevent deaths of many innocent people. It could also be negative though, because it could egg on the shooter. Many times the shooters are emotionally confused, and do not want to actually hurt anyone, but just do not know what to do. It is possible that if a teacher starts to attack them they will become more confused, fire, and end up killing more than they would've. Maybe if teachers and students get trained on how to handle situations through talking it through with them it would be better? It is just hard to tell what intentions people of this sort have.

  • I honestly think training teachers for situations like this is a great idea. With all the crazy people out there, a school shooting could happen any where at any time, and by having this kind of training teacher's can be more prepared for an event like that. After all, it's better to be safe than sorry.

  • This should be a mandatory thing for teachers to learn. 99% of teachers will never use it but it will still be worth it.

  • I think it is a good alternatitive to giving teachers guns and should make for a better defense againt school shootings and attacks

  • I think this is a really good idea to protect students and teachers, but its sad that there are so many school shootings nowadays that they have to do this.

  • I think that the teachers should get this kind of training, along with a firearm. because it is the best way to take down a shooter. Use a gun.

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