Teachers are Armed for Safety

I found this article. It is about a school in Texas. All the teachers are armed for the safety of their students. The school feels like they need the guns to protect the kids if anything would happen. What are guys thoughts? I don't think this is a good idea, because people can see this, and a parent or someone could try to take the gun for their own use, not for the safety of the children.

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  • I think I would feel safer if one person had a gun, kind of like a guard for the whole school, instead of every teacher. That why it would be harder for people to access. Students may try to take the teacher's gun, but there is an armed guard, then it would be much harder to take.

    • what the difference between a teacher with a gun and a guard with a gun.

  • I think this is a great idea. If someone tries to come into this school There will not be very many injuries because he will be stopped before they can do any real damage.

  • I understand why they did this, but I also think that it could end up becoming unsafe. The children now know that their teachers have guns, and to them this is cool and they may want to get their hands on the guns. It would probably be smarter for them to have a few people in the school to have guns, like one in the office, one for the principal and one for the superintendent.

    • Thats why children should be tought gun safty and how to properly use and take care of a gun. Parents hide their children from guns and the only way they learn about guns is from violent games and movies. Its no wonder you hear about children accedently shooting a friend when they find a gun their not suppose to know about

  • I dont understand why alot of the people who have commented keep saying someone else might get ahold of the gun. These weapons would be on them. Most likely if teachers who have guns would be useing a small 3inch barrel pistol that uses a smaller caliber bullet. And even if a student gets ahold of that said gun there are more teachers in the building who could stop that student. And we trust being in rooms with these teachers all day sometimes in a room alone with them after school but we cant trust them with protecting us wtih a gun?? That dosent make alot of sence to me.

  • I think that teachers having weapons is okay but making it public isn't now the some people may try and find the gun and use it them selves.

  • I think it is a good idea because if the teachers are trained they can protect their students. Also if it is not a gun-free zone then potential shooters might be deterred because they know someone could stop them with a gun of their own.

  • Good idea. shooting never happen were guns are allowed.

  • I think its a good idea because you never know what could happen but then something bad could also happen with them having guns like a kid could find it or something so i think they should keep it locked up!

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