Taylor Swift Dating Tim Tebow

Will Taylor Swift and Tim Tebow be the new "It" Couple? Swebow?

I can't wait to hear the songs Taylor will come up with while dating Tim and after they break up, her songs will probably be even better! But I don't think they are a very cute couple because I don't like Tebow. What do you think their relationship will end up like? Will it last?

Read the link here: Taylor Swift and Tim Tebow. Dating?

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  • Thats really interesting first musicians then movie actors and now football players eh? thats interesting but whatever i don't really care i guess but she will have a new album about Tebow.

  • I think they won't last long because they just seem like an odd couple. I can't wait for the songs she writes about him. They may last they may not we will just have to see

  • im excited that they are dating cause now there will be a lot of good songs coming out by taylor swift! but i really dont know much about Tebow besides that he plays football so we'll see how long this lasts!

  • Since Tebow knows it's only a matter of time before people see through his facade, ultimately leading to his loss of fame, he needed to find a way to keep his name in publications. So he dates Taylor Swift which will (of course) lead to their break-up whereupon she will write songs about him that will somehow remain well-known for atleast a decade (like all her other songs).

    And just like that, Tebow is solidified in our culture for even more time. He sure is sneaky.

  • No Tebow needs to focus on winning the super bowl plus anyone who would date Taylor swift is stupid. You break up and she writes a song about you.

  • i didnt see this one coming hahaha. i think when the new football season starts again like when he needs to start traing i bet they break up

  • I think they would be cute together because  they're both "good" people. Cute!

  • I agree with you Kenzie. I hope their relationship doesn't last long. Yucky!
  • GROSS GROSS GROSS. I don't know if they're just friends or actually dating but I don't find them a good couple at all.. hopefully she gets some good songs out of him!

  • They would be  a cute couple... but she has said they are JUST FRIENDS!

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