i know it's not a good thing, but i am definately guilty of playing my music loud. I don't know why, i just like it that way. I'll try and work on turning it down
I know people are so worried about this, but I personally don't care. I've had bad hearing issues since age 2 and have had multiple surgries to try and correct it (and I need more, I have a hole in my eardrum). I know that when I'm older I'll need hearing aids. I already have harder time hearing things than other people. I can see where people who can hear normally are worried, but I'm not
I know a couple of people who have there iPods turned all the way up. It's there hearing, if they want to lose it they can. I'm keeping my iPod volume down!
Wow! 30% incress from the 90's that is crazy. I think that setting a volume limit on the ipod is a good idea. I didn't even know that you could do that, but also kids should know not to blast the music in their ears.
I totally agree with Jena! Ear phones are made to be in your ears so that others around you CANT hear the music. If you want to listen to music out loud, why not just blare a stereo system instead? Me, i think about the future alot and hearing loss isn't going to be in my future!
it is not right to have your headphones blarring. i don't know about you but i don't like hearing someone elses music. it can get annoying at times. turn your volume down to where you can barely hear a conversation going on. then you will be set.
Just don't crank your music so high. I don't understand why that is necessary. It's annoying when you can hear music from someones ipod. Ear phones are so that only you can hear your music. No one else. Turn it down!