
  • For both of your forum posts, your summary is quite brief. You did pose questions in each and you do reply to students comments frequently which is good.

  • Yes, I could see the U.S. lying just to start another war. They are trying to get more time so that they can do the most to make it look like their the good guys.

  • I don't think that the US would like about that, saying that there is actual evidence that they used those kind of weapons on their own country makes is wrong to accuse the US for lying. I still don't think that it is our problem that they want to do that as long as they don't use them on the US or our allies.
  • This is ridiculous why would the US lie about such things. I think Syria is just trying to procrastinate/stall so that they don't have to give up there weapons as fast and they are trying to stall the US attacking them.

  • We didn't because it would have to be that we want to start a war which we just finished one and we are in the hole 16.9 billion dollars. we are the ones that have to threaten them because we are the only country that cares and we want to see the dictator dead because he is bad to his people. that is why he is a dictator

    • i feel the same way but they accused us of lying

  • I believe that Syria is procrastinating. The UN has evidence that chemical weapons were used in Syria. The million dollar question is who used them the government or the Rebels. I think it was the government used them because the rebels couldn't possibly have the resources for that.

    • unless they stole them from the gov't 

  • After all the hardships Syria puts on its citizens, it shouldn't surprise anyone that they used chemical weaponry in an attack. The world should know better than to listen to Syria's lies and do nothing about this.  

  • I think Syria is still lying. They might be trying to accuse other people of doing it, so they can get away with it. The U.S. couldn't be lying because the UN had people go into the country to see if they could find evidence.

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