In Colorado where synthetic marijuana is legal to the people there has been 3 people who have been reported dead after using this synthetic drug. Initial reports say that 75 people who reported of smoking synthetic marijuana have been reported in the Denver metro hospitals since late August. Do you guy's think that we should have legal marijuana in the first place? Also how do you think these people died, overdose, something was in the marijuana, or some other cause?
Well done on both of your forum posts!
I'm not really sure, I think it should be the states decision. People should respect the law that's what frustrates me.
I'm not really sure, I think it should be the states decision. People should respect the law that's what frustrates me.
I honestly think that it should be legal because if you look at the statistics of people who have died from other drugs such as tabacco, achohol, meth, etc. marijuana has killed far less people. I think the reason was maybe something in the marijuana that they were using that killed them and made people sick, or ill.
I'm not really sure, I think it should be the states decision. People should respect the law that's what frustrates me.
I think we should not legalize marijuana because it is juts a gateway drug. Since it already killed 3 people, don't you think if we legalize it, it will just kill more people considering the drug already killed 3 people. Then again legal or not people would still find a way to get this drug.
Even FAKE marijuana kills people!! Wouldn't it just be so much smarter to just get rid of it entirely?? I think they died because they were taking the marijuana with something else and they died, kind of like Cory Monteith. I know there are medical uses and we should keep that but that's it medical purposes only. I believe that we should just get rid of drugs that aren't being used to treat the sick.
This is probably more of an issue with the people using the drug than the drug. If marijuana should be banned, so should cigarettes. Cigs probably harm way more people considering secondhand smoke and all the issues that causes. We should do more about DUI (how about a bus service that stops around bars and takes people home, sort of like a taxi with more people), considering that's another thing that hurts more than just who does it. After that, then we should focus on marijuana.
Alcohol causes people to do stupid stuff way more than marijuana... 37,000 people or more die from Alcohol alone... while what?...3 people died from marijuana in CO... Turn on the news and see whats reported on more... Alcohol related deaths or Marijuana related deaths...
I think that Marijuana should be legal... before you judge me hear me out. 37,000 deaths from alcohol alone occur each year... While considerably less people die from marijuana usage annually... When you turn on the news what do you hear about more someone dying from drunk driving, alcohol overdose, or violence as a result of alcohol or someone dying because they smoked too much weed... If you've ever watched the news you would know most stories involve alcohol related deaths not marijuana related deaths... Alcohol can cause a person to lose basic judgement, to become angry, and do stupid stuff... While I've never heard of an angry stoner... While I have heard of angry drunks who lash out at people and cause fights... Some people believe that marijuana damages brain cells... this is true in younger people who are still growing but for adults this not true... This case presented above is a rare case and is nothing compared to the number of deaths of alcohol related incidents...