Well i think people are freaking out about it way tooo much. its just like the regular flu and really the only people dying from it are babies and people with really weak immune systems.
I think that the swine flu (H1N1) is being over thought of. It is pretty much the same thing as the regular flu only a little worse. If people are conformed they should stay home and nobody that lives with them should be able to leave. If it spreads even more then it could cause a lot of trouble and a lot of Cayuse.
It is kinda scary to think that there are many cases of this around here. A lot of the younger kids from Harlan have gotten and it just keeps moving up. AAHH!!
bruns, your daughter has it too? my sister is in sixth grade, and she has it. she gave it to my grandma, and my little four year old sister. im getting sick as weell. hopefully not that bad!/ logan schaben has it, shes in mysisters grade, and so does zach dotzler in their grade as well.tahts three cases in one grade, theress a lot going on. I;m sure someone will pass it through the high school very soon!
Mr Bruns thinks that his daughter has H1N1, so does that mean that if he comes to school he risks infecting us all, or what is the deal with that? I already have about 35 absences, and I don't think that I can miss too many more days. Bruns, stay home.