
  • I want summer, like now. I need to get my tan on! And I'm really excited to be able to drive around a lot this summer since I have my license this summer.

  • Yah I hope summer doesn't fly by like the school year has been doing but it probably will. I don't really have any plans but hopefully we will go to Adventure Land with my cousins and aunt and uncle. The only problem is I don't like roller coasters or the space shot but every thing else I can do.

  • This year has FLOWN by! Its starting to go slower now only because three months are left, but still school will be over with before we know it. My plans are to go to Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun, maybe go to South Dakota and Colorado to visit my Aunts. Go to the pool, work, who knows. But atleast we will have no homework! SO EXCITED! I cant believe we are almost juniors!

  • i cant wait for summer. im probably gunna go camping and hangout wit friends and get a job and stay up late.

  • well i really think this years was really fast .. my plans for this summer is back to Brazil .. im kinda anxious about that but not so happy to leave Harlan .. its been fun :)

  • my plans consist of lifting and having fun. Playing sports of any kind, maybe playing some kind of summer basketball league. just having a good time!

  • It feels like its still December...probably because we just now got snow but I cant wait til summer!

  • I agree! This year did fly by! It's crazy to think that we are almost juniors. CRAZY! My plans are probably just to play softball all summer. It usually takes a lot out of my summer. :(

  • i'm so pumped for summer! 3 months, woah! super close! i don't really have any plans yet though.. 

  • I feel the same way, this year has gone by really fast. I can't wait for summer, not having to go to school, hanging out with all of my friends, and also just the warm weather. My plans for the summer mostly are just hanging out with my friends and working. I hope it comes really fast. 

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