
  • im excited for summer! i mostly just ready for school to out,  also just to be tan and hanging out with my friends all summer

  • I think im going to do alot im going to the races and going to missouri because it is fun down there i might go to cali idk i have a bunch planned

  • Summer is my favorite season! I am excited to visit my family in San Diego and I am also getting a car this summer.

  • I am most excited about is the NO SCHOOL part of summer. Along with the hot weather, cute clothes, and softball. WOOOO, go summer!

  • I am very excited for the summer! I cant wait to work at the N.D.S.A.C again! It is a good time working their with friends and saving lives. Also i am really wanting to go boating! Also i want to go to camps like i do every year. I attend many camps, like Riverside church camp, Snow Valley basketball, and Creighton basketball camp. I really want warm weather again!

  • I am most excited to sleep more and do whatever I want!  I love hanging out with friends, tanning, swimming, etc. so I'm super pumped for summer! :)

  • Im super super duper stoked. I cant wait either! And the best part is that im starting summer off with a few weeks in Europe! yay!!

  • Thank God school is almost out. I'm ready for summer. I need a break from here. I can't wait for town team baseball to start, smimming, not being cold, not being pale white, hopefully going camping, staying up all night and sleeping all day, not having homework, working more and makin money.

  • im SO excited for school to get out! I work at Dairy Queen, and Im so tired of working a seven hour shift, getting home at 10:30 and then having to get up at 6:30 a.m. Its way too tiring!

  • I will be very happy for the warm weather to stay. We had some 80 degree days and then it dropped off so far that it went into the 20's some days! I'll be really happy when it'll be shorts weather more often again :)

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