As you know summer is just around the corner! What is your favorite thing about summer? Do you ever take any special vacations or have any summer traditions? What are you doing the last day of school?


Personally I like doing swimteam every morning and go floating in the afternoon!

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  • I cant wait until summer gets here! I can go to bed late and wakr up late! There will allso be no more homework assignments and a lot more time to hang out with friends. During the school year you are kind of restricted to Harlan except for weekends. But now i could go anywhere i wanted to without having to wory about that test coming up on friday.

  • the last day of school ill be taking semester tests...and ill just be hangen with friends, working, and working out

  • I love being outside during summer. I ride horses a lot and go swimming, but I can't wait for the bonfires and boating down the river. For the last day of school I planning to go to a bonfire to celebrate.

  • I have a somewhat busy summer! Lots of swimming, working, sleeping in, and just plain old enjoying myself. I'm super excited! :)

  • i love going floating and we go to branson every summer (: love being with friends and not having to sit in class all day long

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