
  • Actually i think that's lower than i thought it was going to be surprisingly, with all the things that cause so much stress and other things in life these days. It's good that it's not as high as I though it was going to be, but either way it's not a good thing when someone ends their own life. 

  •  I think that because of all the distraction we have today that the suicide numbers will continue to go up, unfortionatly. I do belive that in some countries like China, to much presure is give to kids and that makes more people this way.

  • People need to deal with it we all have tough times including me you don't see me killing myself but i do understand maybe there problems are worse but they must need god in there life. Who nows whats going through peoples heads these days

  • It's sad that so many people think that suicide is the only out.

  • I never understood how people can get so depressed that they take their own life. It's scary to think about these numbers

  • Thats terrible, I don't get what could be so bad in life that you would kill yourself. Suicide is just terrible especially in the ways some people do it.

  • i never would commit sucide because i feel like we are given this life and if you do have problems and want to commit sucide, you can talk to someone about it.

  • i know life can be tough at times, but taking your life is not the answer. some people overdose and hang themselves and things like that but its not the answer. they need to go see a therapist or something just get help when you need it

  • Sadly I can believe it, but everyone thinks that no one has real problems they think that they just cut and do all that for attention. But some people really do have it bad. I think that when people kill their self they take it way too far, but some people have no choice.

  • i think that this is a hard topic for people to accept... nobody actually wants to admit that there ARE problems in the world and no one wants to do something about it.

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