Rachel Canning, accused in her lawsuit that her parents kicked her out of her house, and is unable to pay her financial bills. Her lawsuit also asks that her parents pay the last semester at her private high school, her current living and transportation situation, and pay for her college tuition and pay her legal fees for the lawsuit against her parents. The judge denied the request for school tuition and living expenses. There will be another trial in April. Rachel, also said that her parent abused her. Investigators found no sign of abuse. When her parents told her to stay away from her boyfriend, she ran away. After that, her parents stop paying for her tuition.
Full Story here
Would you sue your parents for these reasons? How would you feel if you were the parents?
Excellent job!!
wow i think thats a bit over the top. she's upset over what her parents said. That's ridiculous, she's just throwing a fit and it's childish.
i dont think that see should of sued them i would tell her to never come back
I'd have to say that the daughter is just upset because her parents wanted her to stay away from her boyfriend so she needed to find a way to get back at them. I find it dumb that she is suing her parents.
Yeah! I saw last night on the news, that one of the lawyers said the case never should have made it inside a courtroom. She really acted dramatically!
I would never sue my parent because of that. I especially wouldn't expect them to pay for all of that if I ran away. If I was the parents I would not pay for any of that and I would also feel ashamed knowing that this is how I raised my kid.
It sounds like the girl is just a brat that should do the right thing and her parents wouldn't have to do that.
No, my parents would never let me run away with my boyfriend. If I were the parents I would ask myself what happened in her life that caused her to act this way.
That's a good point. I bet the parents are disappointed in their daughter a little bit.
I think this is a very stupid reason to sue your parents. It was the girl's decision to move out, so they shouldn't have to pay any of these things. If I were the parents, I would not be happy at all. I would not give up the money unless a judge ordered me to do so.