Most of what I do in my classes is based on feedback from students over the years. I truly appreciate student's opinions, both positive and negative, and actually use them to make myself a better teacher and my classroom a better place to learn.
Please try to comment on things we do in class such as forum posts/leaders, daily blogs, groups tests, oral tests, projects, etc. when answering the questions below. If you would prefer to email me directly instead of commenting here, that is fine as well.
1. What did you enjoy about my class this year? What did I do well as a teacher?
2. What are some suggestions on how to improve myself as a teacher or my class in general? Please be honest as this is where most of what I currently do has come from.
3. My two biggest goals as a teacher is to be fair and consistent to everyone and show passion in what I do each and every day. Do you feel like I have accomplished those two goals this year? If not, please explain.
Also, if you have time, head on over to Rate My Teacher and rate me there as well. I am currently at a 77% which is above average!! #dontbeaverage
Thanks for your comments!!
1. I enjoyed the music games and the group test. You keep class pretty entertaining which is nice. Being able to present is kind of fun to but not all the projects as much.
2. Well I am not a big fan of the Blogs or Forum posts. I usually forget to do the Forums and it's kind of hard to keep notes on a blog post.
3. Yes you are always enthused to talk about what ever you have to say. Everyone has equally opportunity in your class which is nice. There is never a dull moment in your class.
Thanks Broderick!
1. I enjoyed the open talk discussions when we are learning a new thing instead of reading it out of the book and doing a worksheet. I liked the group test because it taught us how to work as a team and made it easier to study. I also liked the oral tests because writing often takes a lot of time especially on a map test. This allowed me to study more on the actual states, countries, exc. instead of worrying on how to spell them. I also liked how Mr. Bruns would give us a partner or group and we would research a topic and talk to the class about it. When we did this it made it impossible to not pay attention and everyone got to be part of the discussion. I think Mr. Bruns did a good job on giving his opinion on thing without persuading others to believe the same things as him. He also did a good job keeping the class exciting with videos and group debates/discussions.
2. Some things that I think could be improved about the class would be the daily blogs. If they were weekly blogs or something like that I think that more people would take the time to do it if it was only once a week vs. every day. But if daily blogs were taken out some people might not pay attention as much, so it might be best if you keep the daily blogs. I also think that there should be a more fun way to study maps in class, especially for the Europe map. Other than that I think that the class is set up very well.
3. I think that Mr. Bruns does a great job at not picking sides and being fair. He is a very neutral person and I think this helps the people who struggle in classes. He is also very consistent in his teaching style and his attitude-which are both very good and encouraging by the way. I think that he is a very good teacher and has very good morals. He defiantly accomplished his goals this semester.
Thanks for your comments Kyle! I will be changing how I do daily blogs next year.
The main thing I enjoyed about this class is that students interact with the learning. It is an open conversation that everyone is involved in and is interesting to hear other students opinions. You taught us really well in understanding what was being taught and making us learn the maps so we know what the maps mean and the countries in them.
I honestly like most of the people here didn't like the blogs we had to do daily. Me myself am a pencil paper kind of person and I learn better that way but the blogs do have their advantages to them. The blogs were sometimes hard to keep up and remember that I had to do a blog.
Yes I do. You listen to everyone's opinion and take it in and talk about it. And in your class, their is no such thing as a wrong answer.
Thanks Matthew!
1. I actually looked forward to this class everyday... I really enjoyed working on projects and then presenting them in class. I like that you expound on the projects in case the information wasn't very clear the first time around. The class didn't feel like a normal class... it was more of a discussion. I found a lot of the topics interesting and everyday in class was a little different... which I enjoyed. I like that you made the entire class focused mostly on projects and other student led opportunities like the forum posts... Other teachers don't do that and just talk and talk and never let us talk... I like that you let us participate in the discussion while still teaching us the information.
2. I really enjoyed doing the projects and forum posts... The daily blogs aren't my favorite, but I do understand why you do them... I know some other students can get bored while you are talking and sometimes that happens to me (once in a while) when it's over a boring topic, but most of the time I am engaged and actually fascinated with some of the topics like D-Day, or more recently the Kennedy Assassination.
3. I think you are extremely fair and consistent... You put up with some certain people in our class (not naming any names) who constantly blurt out irrelevant comments. I think you do a great job of being friendly to everyone.
Thanks for you kind comments Levi!
Thanks for the comments Richard! Daily blogs will be changing next year.