Student dies after Backflip

A College freshman studentat Baylor university died Sunday after doing a back flip. Kevin Signo was rehearsing dances with the Filipino Students Association when he practiced a back flip and landed on his head! He landed on his forehead and suffered fatal spinal injury.

What do you guys think about this accident? I feel horrible for him! The Association shouldn't haven't even been doing backflips withouth practice or anything.


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  • awww that's really tragic and sad. I bet everyone is mourning. It seemed so harmless at the time probably. I don't know if they were forcing him it was more of a choice

  • I feel horrible for him too. And also I think that they have to pay attention more when they are doing stuff like that

  • That is just horrible!! I feel so bad for all his family and friends that are going through this right now!

  • i think they sheould be able to peform and do what they want. but safely! thats crazy! he will be in our prayers. thats very scary!

  • That's awful!! I wonder why they didn't have mats down for safety in case someone did fall. I feel so bad for his family and friends! He made a good decision in donating his organs and I hope this makes people think more before they start doing gymnastics without a mat.

  • That is terrible! I feel so bad for him. :( I don't think they should have been doing backflips if he was inexperienced though. That could have been his own mistake, not the Association's. I mean, things like this happen, granted not very often, but they happen and we can't really blame the Association. Nevertheless, I feel terrible for this guy and prayers go out to his family.

  • That my friends is why you don't show off. bad things will happen like this guy.

  • What happened to the whole "You must have a spotter when doing gymnastic type things?" This is very sad to think about! I feel sorry for his family who this was one of those "never expected it to happen" accidents! 

  • That is terrible! He shouldnt have tried it.

  • That's horrible. I'm probably never going to try to do a backflip now.

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