
  • The person that owns this business is a good man. he's only in the strip club business to make money, not because he's a dirty person like most of the owners of those businesses.

  • haha oh my gosh, I bet the parents were really happy to find this out.. I can't believe they gave so much money though

  • that was really nice of the club ... and its kinda funny and weird too.. maybe they wanted to show that they bare good people and like to help too.. or was just publicity

  • That is a lot of ones. Good for the strip club though.

  • It is really great that they're at least donating for a great cause... But if I were one of the parents i wouldn't know how to react!

  • That is definatly weird to say the least. I think it's nice that they wanted to help this Little League baseball team though. I don't know how you'd explain this to your kid though.

  • Haha that's kinda funny. You wouldn't suspect that to happen. I guess it's good that they got money donated to them, but just from an unusual place!

  • wow! this is really funny. Maybe they wanted some attention, and wanted to get the word out. Like Derek this reminded me of the movie Bad News Bears. 

  • There are advantages and disadvantages to this situation. The advantage being this little league team now gets to continue what they love to do, and as a parent I couldn't be happier. However, on the other hand, of all the places to get money from you choose a strip club? Why? This doesn't put out the right image to the kids.

  • Good for them to donate to the kids then, I guess. It's a little weird but money is money.

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