Strange Celebrity Styles!

Some celebrities wear the strangest outfits? Do you think they are stylish or just plain ugly? Check these out! To see all of celeb's strange styles go to!

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  • I think some of them are stylish but all of the rest i think are just plain ugly. People just need to dress normal

  • I believe they think since, "I am famous" I can wear whatever I want and still hold as a style icon. I don't think their outfits are attractive and you sure wouldn't see me wearing any of those!

  • yeah. not gonna lie. those two outfits are HIDEOUS! what the heck! why would someone wear that!?  seriously?
    why cant you just be normal and wear something comfy? you dont have to be the best(or worst) dressed everywhere you go! have you people ever heard of NATURAL BEAUTY? well. you should try it. i'm not saying that they shouldnt dress nice... but "nice" and dressing like raw meat, or something that just came out of a Dr.Suess book are two totally different things.

  • they're pretty ugly. i think that they just want attention, which is dumb because they will most likely get negative attention, but whatever. they can wear what they want.

  • These outfits are so weird!!! I think Lady Gaga wears a lot of weird close! I would never be able to wear this in public i just wouldnt feel right!

  • Some of their outfits are a little weird and something i would never wear especially in public like that. but some of those celebrities dont care what people think about what they are wearing.

  • Who cares that they want to wear outrageous outfits...They don't do it to be stylish anyway they do it to be different and to stand out. I think their main goal is to get a rise out of people and it works.

  • I think that these outfits are really odd! They definitely aren't stylish and I have no idea why you would want to wear them honestly!

  • Some of those are very strange. I would never wear anything like Nicki Manaj does. She wears some pretty crazy things.

  • WOW! i would have to agree.. there are some STRANGE outfits celeberties wear! Like Niki Minaj and Lady Gaga.. i wouldnt want to be seen in public with the oufits they wear. haha.. but, however there a some celeberties who wear neat outfits that i wish i could pull off. haha..

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