Stop the Plane

On a United Airlines flight from Chicago, the plane had to turn around after two flight attendants got into an argument. The plane took off at 6:00 a.m. and returned to the airport at 6:40 a.m. The two were removed until a later time when they had to get another flight. No charges are going to be pressed, and no one hit etc anyone else. I understand how you may not agree with everything someone says. It may have been for the best that the two were taken from the flight, because you don't know if it would have become physical. What are your thoughts?

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  • I think that those attendants should have been fired I mean if i was on that flight I would be really mad because of that because you were on a flight and u had to turn back and wait for it to go again all because two flight attendants were fighting.

  • That is stupid why would you get into a fight. But it took them that long to decide that they needed to take them off the plane. Besides what were they arguing about. Who would get to serve the rich people and who had to serve the poor people.

  • I feel like they should not have turned the flight around because fighting happens all the time on planes especially in movies such as snakes on a plane.

  • i think they should be charged, because violance isnt the answer and evan in words its still bad. i bet their was children on that plane and thats just a bad inviroment.

  • If I was a passenger this would make me angry. is petty squabbling really worth ruining people schedules and plans?

  • What could they possibly be arguing about? Making sure the passengers get their peanuts? But they should not have stopped the plane. They should of just separated them so they calmed down.

  • These are two grown men, but they need to understand that they are in a small area. In the air, with many people in the air. Way in the air. So they needed to sort out their differences. Because things could have gotten bad and people could have been hurt. Badly.

  • I think its ridiculous that these to people who work together couldn't get along for the duration of the flight and had to cost the passengers so much time. I don't think the plane needed to be turned around. They should have continued on with the flight attendants seperated.

  • if i was a passenger on that plane i would be furious. Simply because the immaturity of the flight attendants who couldn't separate themselves long enough to at least get to the first stop. And they made all of those people at least and hour and a half late 

  • the plane should not have turned around. they should have just got over it. or shouldnt have spoken the rest of the rest of they way they were certainly not thinking about the passengers who are actually paying for the flight and maybe a passenger had somewhere to bt then. they were not thinking of them at all. i do not lik how they turned around. be mature and figure it out!

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