There are over 2,500 people serving life sentences right now from the crimes they commited with they were as young as 13. Some people have protested that it goes against the constitution as a cruel and unusual punishment.

I'm not sure exactly how i feel about this. I mean people can change, but this charge has only been used on adolesence that have comitted homicides.

What do you think?

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  • that is a really hard topic to deal with i think. it's hard to really know if this person really has changed or if they're going to go back out there and kill someone and do crimes again

  • If the crime is serious enough keep them in there cuz they did the crime so they got to do the time! If the crime isnt serious just let them out because yah people can change.

  • I think if someone is this young and they have committed a crime this bad already then they should be in jail for life. I think that they are too unstable to have normal lives because if they are killing and hurting people now how much worse would it get when they are adults?

  • I think they should make the sentences like at least like fifty or so years, depending on the crime. if the crime is really serious, they should have life sentences

  • if they did something bad enough then i say stick em in jail but if it was something less severe, dont let them off the hook but punish them

  • I'm in the middle of this one.  Depends how severe the crime is.

  • they should put them in jail with the big time criminals for like 5 years and by the time they get out they'll think 2 time before killing somebody

  • I feel that a life sentece should never be used on someone under the age of 21. People change. Yes, we all make mistakes, some bigger than others, but we all should have a chance to make up for what we do. It just depends on if you can tell how they felt about what they did.

  • I believe in the saying you get what you deserve.... I mean, if you're going to kill somebody, the federal court system has every right to send you to jail for life. That's sort of their way of taking your life.

  • If it was something really bad they should be put in prison for awhile especially if they are young. But say they were older and knew better they should either get the death penalty because really if they are in prison for life it means they are just going to dye there any way.

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